
Have you seen this?

Hint: You can see this vine with purple flowers climbing near a yellow shrub and close to painted gourd birdhouses.

When Spanish explorers first encountered the Indians of Peru and Brazil, they found this plant used in native folk medicine as a sedative. They took it back to Spain, and then it gradually spread throughout Europe.

There are more than 400 varieties of this plant throughout the world today. Common names are: Maypop herb, Apricot vine, and Passion Vine.



Red Ribbon Week Red Poppies

The most delightful thing about a garden is the anticipation it provides.
- W.E. Johns

Students planted Red Poppy seeds during Red Ribbon Week. We won't see them bloom until the spring. Watching and waiting will help to remind us to make good choices all year long.

Did you know that in just one pod there are thousands of seeds smaller than a grain of sand? Students planted the Poppy seeds we collected from last year in the gardens this year.

It begins with a seed...

Fall Planting
We have three triangle and one rectangle shaped gardens. Students plant their seeds in the fall. We talk about the size, shape, color of the seeds, what type of plant will grow, and how long the seed will take to germinate or sprout. We are lucky to have (2) planting seasons. Gardeners in states with colder climates are cleaning and covering their gardens for the cold winter.

We know radishes are the first to peek out of the soil. We planted in October and we already have a few small radishes to harvest!