
Garden review

It is heating up and our gardens are put to bed waiting for next year to sprout and bloom. Thank you to everyone who came out the help pull and cover the gardens. A special thanks to Mr. Cruse, and Mrs. Engstler for helping with this job more than once. It certainly isn't the funnest part of gardening. Here are a few pictures from this year and years past:

No child left inside-Try grant writing

"Today's children spend more time in the virtual world than the natural world. How can we expect the next generation to care for the environment if they feel disconnected from it and lack understanding about the impact of their actions on our health and food supply, both locally and globally? One solution: Get them in the garden!" - Subaru Healthy Sprouts Award.

Check here and here for two good site for grants and gardening topics.
See this link for a breakdown of recent grant activity. Interested in writing a grant for MMES? Contact Karie.