Nationally, the average amount of money spent on food (after overhead) to provide children a school lunch is about a dollar. Join the Time for Lunch nutrition campaign. It's about creating better nutritional guidelines and choices for kids.
The National School Lunch Program provides a meal to more than 30 million children every school day. By giving schools the resources to serve real food, 30 million children can have healthier options.
By providing children with locally grown fruits and vegetables, we can support local farmers and create green jobs in our communities. By purchasing local food, we can stop wasting oil needed to transport food and reduce the impact on our environment. By raising children who enjoy real food, we can start laying the foundation for America’s future prosperity.The Time for Lunch Campaign is a project of Slow Food USA, an educational non-profit with the goal of creating a world in which everyone can enjoy food that is good, clean and fair. Read more about the Time For Lunch campaign here. Get involved, write your national legislator to let him or her know that real food is a priority in to you and your school. To find the office's address, go to and type in your zip code.