
Micro means Small

Grow your own Micro Greens -
You might know words like microscope and micro organism (a living thing too small to see with our naked eyes). Well the prefix, micro is Greek in origin and means, small.

I'm here to tell you about Micro Greens. Micro greens are baby plants just a little older than a sprout. You can grow a tray of these guys in a small (or micro) space in your house, like a window sill or on your patio. Get a few packs of seeds and a take out tray from a restaurant or produce container and you are in business.

Or course your mini garden will need all the regular stuff like, soil, water, sunlight. I put a layer of paper towels over my seeds to keep them clean and moist, then pop on the lid and watch until they sprout. After that, remove the paper towel and wait until your plants are about 2-3 inches high. Then start munching!

These little plants are great because they pack more nutrition than mature plants. Radishes and turnip greens grow the fastest and have a little crunchy spice. Give it a try.